The Covenant Team

We worship together, so working together is easy. Our team is focused on reaching out with the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We thrive on growth, love and the Spirit. We humbly seek prayer for guidance and His Will be done in all things, in all situations, in all circumstances. We support each other and are truly a team.      

  • Rev. Scott Larson

    Senior Pastor

    Rev. Scott Larson has been Lead Pastor at Covenant since 2018. He grew up in Ann Arbor, Michigan and prior to coming to Covenant, he pastored in Michigan. He has received both a Masters of Divinity and a Masters of Arts in Missions & Evangelism (church planting track) from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary near Boston.   While in Massachusetts, Scott helped plant a new EPC church, Northpoint.  

    Prior to seminary, Scott was a Management Consultant for many years, and he also holds an M.B.A. from the University of Illinois and an undergraduate degree from Princeton University.  He and his wife, Jenn, have three children.  

    To contact Pastor Scott, click HERE.

  • Rev. Matt Young

    Associate Pastor of Evangelism and Engagement

    Rev. Matt Young grew up in Bellevue, Washington where he became a Christian after high school. He met his wife, Kassy, at Biola University in La Mirada, CA where he studied Christian Ministries. Upon graduating, Kassy and Matt moved to Denver, CO,  where Matt graduated from Denver Seminary with a Master of Divinity. After his graduation, Matt was ordained in the EPC and called to serve in Lubbock, TX, where they had Penny (Dec. 2019) and Liam (Aug. 2021). Pastor Matt joined the CovP staff in September of 2022.

    Matt and Kassy love reaching out to young families and creating a space for them to belong and grow in relationship with each other and Jesus. They also love getting out for a hike, bike ride, and beach day, along with the occasional cup of coffee. Matt fills any spare time he has with reading or playing lacrosse. When she isn’t teaching, Kassy can usually be spotted making friends with anyone and everyone at the local park or gym. 

    To contact Pastor Matt, click HERE.

  • Bill Furey

    Principal of Covenant Christian School

    Mr. Furey comes to CCS with an extensive background in Christian leadership and education. He was a Director at Vineyard Christian School for twelve years. Most recently, he was Regional Human Resource Director for Olive Crest – Los Angeles Region. Mr. Furey has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Theology and Organizational Leadership from Vanguard University, and a Master of Arts Degree in Christian Education from Azusa Pacific University.  In addition to his many years working in the education field, mainly in school settings, he has extensive expertise in leading outdoor educational programs. Mr. Furey is an Ordained Pastor.

    To contact Bill, click HERE.

  • Brenda Pitman

    Preschool Director of Covenant Christian School

    It is a privilege to serve in the early childhood field for more than 20 years. As a leader in Early childhood education for more than 20 years, Mrs. Pittman strives to maintain a well-balanced play-based, developmentally appropriate curriculum. Mrs. Pittman’s program exposes children to a variety of hands-on materials and learning experiences through structured and non-structured activities. This environment is where she likes to see her favorite quote realized: “when a child feels safe and loved, then a child can learn".

    To contact Brenda, click HERE.

  • Music Position(s) Open

  • Jacob Rice

    Director of Student Ministries

    Jacob, came to us from, well, Covenant! Jacob grew up through the children's and youth ministry here at Covenant, first cutting his teeth in leadership as part of theGathering. Not only are his ministry roots here, but he is also an alumni of Covenant Christian School. He has interests in biology, science, and wildlife... which will help him as he works with our fun and spirited group of students!

    To contact Jacob, click HERE.

  • Lisa Ygual

    Children's Ministry Director

    Lisa came to Covenant in 2006 through a long-time member. She loves children and became a child-care provider for many children in our church while helping out with Moms 'N’ Tots in the Nursery. She is grateful that the Lord has blessed her with the gift of caring for others.  She is extremely grateful for her husband, sons, daughter and her grand daughter. She loves cooking, cleaning, organizing, caring, showing love and especially writing notes and letters to friends and family. Bottom line, she prays continually, and dearly loves her church friends and family.

    To contact Lisa, click HERE.

  • Martha Martin

    Church Administrator

    Martha recently stepped into her new role as Office Administrator after serving on CovP staff since 1999 as Children’s Ministries Director. Her background in Children's Ministry has helped enormously in working with the staff at CovP - being that she often comes in to the aftermath of Nerf wars between Staff Members (looking at you Jacob).  She loves working with the volunteer office staff and leads by example in joyfully keeping things organized and running smooth on campus.  Her infectious laugh brings a joyful spirit for Jesus!

    To contact Martha, click HERE.

  • Tricia Davies

    Communication & Hospitality Director

    Tricia has been on Staff at Covenant since 2007. She finds joy in her ministry and the people she connects with. She started  attending Covenant in 1997,  while dating her husband, John, whom she met when performing at Disneyland and Tokyo Disneyland. Prior to her being on staff at Covenant, coordinated Disney Fairytale Weddings and still enjoys doing event contract work and assists with Covenant Collective Children's Performaing Arts Ministry. She also is currently a Real Estate Agent for Reliance Real Estate Home Services and loves serving people in this capacity as well. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Organizational Psychology and Business Management.

    She loves cooking, working with children, performing arts, and watching mindless reality TV and being a part of outreach efforts. She has two precious daughters, and loves pretty much doing anything and nothing with her family... especially vacationing and making amazing memories with them. She loves trying new restaurants, spending time with her friends, playing games and trying to capture "moments" whenever she can. She keeps her parents in her memory and is thankful for all they taught her.

    To contact Tricia, click HERE.

  • James Kuhn

    Tech Director

    James came to Covenant with his family around 1976, and attended youth programs and completed Confirmation here. While operating a “follow-spot” for a Christmas Youth program at Covenant, he was asked if he’d be interested in operating the sound and lights for Sunday services for a one-year term until someone else could be found. A high school student at the time, he agreed to do it for a year. Needless to say, over thirty years later, James is still here as apparently no one else has yet been found to take over!  (Although James is still patiently waiting for his replacement...)

    James attended Cal State Fullerton and received Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Engineering, and today runs an electrical engineering firm specializing in industrial power systems. James is involved in many projects around Covenant, especially those dealing with lighting, sound, electrical, and technology.

    To contact James, click HERE.

church officers

Our Church Officers help strengthen the spiritual and physical needs of the church.


Our congregation is served and led by "presbyters" or elders, who are elected by the local congregation

to discern and represent the mind of Christ for the Church.

There are two kinds of elders: teaching elders or pastors, and ruling elders or ordained laymen.

Together, the elders make up the Session. The Session oversees the faith and life of the local church.

The qualifications for elders are found in 1 Timothy 3:1-17.



The office of deacon (deaconess) is one of compassion and service. The book of Acts is seen as the “birth” of the diaonate. As the church grows and pressing daily needs threaten to overwhelm the leadership, deacons are chosen to address the daily needs of believers. Particular responsibilities include caring for the needs of members in joy and sorrow, overseeing church finances and organizing the church budget, as well as maintaining and repairing the church building and grounds that the worship of God might continue without interruption.

The qualifications for deacons are found in 1 Timothy 3:8-12