We can't wait for you to join us on a Sunday so we can meet with you face-to-face and give you the warm welcome you deserve!
If you want to be sent more info about upcoming events each week,
we're so glad you're here
We can't wait for you to join us on a Sunday so we can meet with you face-to-face and give you the warm welcome you deserve!
If you want to be sent more info about upcoming events each week,
Let us know you're visiting!
Before you visit
We believe the only source for spiritual authority is Scripture. We typically preach and teach through books of the Bible, which is commonly known as Expository Preaching. This allows for preaching in context of the original meaning of Scripture and it also protects us from making the Bible say something that it was never meant to say. We also infuse our messages with life applicable lessons that you can bring into your everyday life. Ultimately, it is a way to rely on God to speak powerfully to us through His Spirit and by His Word.
God, by His grace and perfect understanding, chose to create music and weave it into an ordained means of praise, thanksgiving, and communication. As we sing to the Lord, we can expect to be comforted and convicted, broken and lifted up, emptied and filled. This is because God understands that music has a unique way of speaking to us in various and powerful ways. At Covenant, it is our desire to take the opportunities and innovations of the present and connect them with the beauty and insight of the past. Ancient hymnwriters had a way of writing music that moved beyond the mere emotions of people by giving us doctrinally rich lyrics that instruct and edify the soul.
When united with contemporary tunes and instruments, a uniquely worshipful style is presented. Though these songs are old, they are also new and my ultimate hope is that they will glorify God as they unite us to Him in Christ.
God does not look at the outward appearance, but He looks at the heart. We are more interested in who you are than what you are wearing. Don't let a concern over attire keep you from joining us. Come as you are!
For newborns and infants, there is a Family Room and Nursing Room available in thr Main Sanctuary. Nursery care also available during Worship Service for infant to Preschool aged children.
Children from Kindergarten through 6th grade are welcome to join the congregation during worship, and after being called up for a Family Devotion, can go to Sunday School or stay for the rest of the service.
Whether they are in Nursery (infants-3y.o.) or in COVP Kids (Pre-6th) they will journey through the Bible, pray, get silly, and learn to worship God with their lives.
Register Children for Nursery and Sunday School:
We encourage Youth ages 6th grade through High School to enjoy the worship service. Our Youth meets Wednesdays at 5:30pm for dinner (Connect program) and at 6:30pm -8:30pm for their awesome study, activities and fellowship.
Every 2nd Sunday after our worship service, have a casual pizza lunch with Pastor Scott, staff and friends in the Multi-purpose Room off the Sanctuary Lobby.
After service, the Prayer Chapel is open to anyone who needs prayer. Elders are available to help support you as well.
If you have any questions about where to go or about Covenant, feel free to come to the Welcome Booth or Kiosk. If you want to be connected in a small group study/fellowship event or want us to contact you, please fill out a Connect Card on Sunday mornings or online.
To find out more about Covenant go to: covp.org/About-Covenant
Pizza with the Pastor
Guest Welcome Lunch
New or Feel New?
Second Sundays | after worship | Multi-Purpose Room (MPR)
Is this your first time visiting? Been here but weren't able to join us for a pizza lunch? Been here for a while but want to join us for a pizza lunch? Want to connect with new friends and have pizza? Pastor Scott and Pastor Matt will be there and happy to meet you!
Covenant 101 Inquirer's Class.
Start from the beginning.
Meet our pastors and new friends, have some lunch, learn about faith, membership and Covenant as a church family.
Looking to Connect?
Wednesday Nights are a great place to start!
Wednesday Nights are ALIVE and feature rotating topics and programs that include: Life, Bible, Family, Growth, Service, Fellowship, Fun, Praise & Worship and more!
together in spirit
Worship Service | Sundays 10:15 am
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